Top 10 “Parks and Ham” Memes

I’ve been spending a lot of time on Pinterest lately. There’s a ton of fantastic travel stuff on there, and I’ve been getting ready for our trip to Europe. In addition to a wealth of travel posts, I’ve found highly enjoyable Hamilton memes. One day, I discovered a niche: Parks and Ham. Parks and Recreation + Hamilton. Apparently it’s from 2015 and I’m very late to the bandwagon, but it is the funniest crossover I’ve seen in a long time. So, I’ve decided to share my favorites with you (in no particular order). Enjoy!

  1. Hamfans
  2. JohnAddams
  3. Cabinetbattle
  4. AaronBurr-PawneeToday
  5. 3ff18f52b961174096a59f3d183797ed (1)
  6. AWintersBall
  7. Eliza=April
  8. Saynotothis
  9. Calzone
  10. Eliza-Ann

What’s your favorite crossover?  Tell me about it in the comments! Did you enjoy these memes?  Share this post via Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest and, as always, follow me here on WordPress for more GREAT content like this!

Take a break

Hello Globetrotters,

Have any of you seen (or at least heard the soundtrack of) the musical Hamilton? Well, #1 Lin-Manuel Miranda is a genius and #2 it’s been out awhile, so I don’t feel bad about the following #spoilers. (Also, it’s based on historical events, so technically I suppose it’s “been out” for over 200 years. But I digress.)

In act II Hamilton’s wife and sister-in-law are trying to convince him he needs a summer vacation. They want him to come with the family to upstate NY and relax with them by the lake.


He refuses, because he is dedicated to his work in Washington’s cabinet, and has a specific plan he’s trying to figure out how to get through Congress. So he stays in the city (NYC was still the capital then).

This is when he meets Maria Reynolds. “Someone under stress meets someone looking pretty” and they have a scandalous affair. Their affair essentially ruins his career.

His dedication without taking a break and some family time was ultimately not worth it! In the short term, he did work hard and move forward in his career, but long term it was detrimental.

Okay, cool story. But what does it have to do with anything other than proving what a huge nerd I am?

I, too need a break. Between working, moving, and the blog I am overwhelmed. I don’t want to have a career-ruining affair! Lol

So I’m going to take Eliza Schuyler Hamilton’s advice and take a break. You’ll definitely still see me here, but I’ll be focusing on my photo of the week and giving some old posts a makeover. I’ll still be present on social media, so be sure to follow me on Facebook, *Instagram, and *Pinterest.


My goal is to be back to writing weekly after we get settled in the Czech Republic. We’re planning a big multi-country adventure before we finally end up in CR, so I’m confident I’ll have exciting material to share with you.

I hope you’ll stick with me because I already can’t wait to get back to it!

Lots of love,

Allegra, The Globetrotting Scientist

*This is my personal Instagram. I’m working with insta to get my blog Instagram back online. Also my personal Pinterest, but I pin tons of travel, food, and craft stuff.