Top 10 “Parks and Ham” Memes

I’ve been spending a lot of time on Pinterest lately. There’s a ton of fantastic travel stuff on there, and I’ve been getting ready for our trip to Europe. In addition to a wealth of travel posts, I’ve found highly enjoyable Hamilton memes. One day, I discovered a niche: Parks and Ham. Parks and Recreation + Hamilton. Apparently it’s from 2015 and I’m very late to the bandwagon, but it is the funniest crossover I’ve seen in a long time. So, I’ve decided to share my favorites with you (in no particular order). Enjoy!

  1. Hamfans
  2. JohnAddams
  3. Cabinetbattle
  4. AaronBurr-PawneeToday
  5. 3ff18f52b961174096a59f3d183797ed (1)
  6. AWintersBall
  7. Eliza=April
  8. Saynotothis
  9. Calzone
  10. Eliza-Ann

What’s your favorite crossover?  Tell me about it in the comments! Did you enjoy these memes?  Share this post via Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest and, as always, follow me here on WordPress for more GREAT content like this!

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