25 Signs Adulting Isn’t For You

Man, adulting is hard.  Why did we want to grow up so badly?

  1. You only clean your apartment when guests come over
  2. By “clean” you mean “shove everything under the bed”
  3. You’ve accidentally used body wash instead of shampoo
  4. You’ve purposely used body wash instead of shampoo, because you ran out of shampoo
  5. Your kitchen sink is full of dishes, even though you haven’t cooked in days
  6. You’ve eaten cereal for dinner
  7. You’ve worn a bathing suit instead of underwear
  8. You tell yourself you reuse towels to save water, but it’s really to avoid doing laundry


  9. Leggings ARE pants
  10. You try to eat fruits and vegetables every day
  11. By “fruits and veggies” you usually mean “fruit-flavored gummies and veggie straws”
  12. You have “the chair” where you keep clothes that are too clean for the hamper, but too dirty for the closet
  13. You have a designated place for shoes, but they somehow end up in your living room floor
  14. You wash dishes…when you run out of clean forks
  15. Your pet has been to the vet more recently than you’ve been to the doctor


  16. You do laundry when you run out of clean underwear
  17. You’ve turned your underwear inside out and worn them again to avoid doing laundry
  18. After you finally do laundry, the clean clothes sit in a pile that you sift through for a week instead of folding and putting away
  19. A cascade of crumbs falls off your lap when you stand up after eating
  20. You also discover a collection of crumbs in your bra, which you eat
  21. You don’t say no to free food, even if you aren’t hungry, because it’s FREE
  22. You don’t say no to free alcohol BECAUSE IT’S FREE
  23. You realize you put your shirt on inside out–halfway through your day
  24. You get distracted while shaving and can’t remember if you shaved both legs or just one
  25. You sacrifice sleep for Netflix


Did you enjoy this post? What are some signs you’re not up for adulting? Share your thoughts in the comments below!  If you related to this post, you should check out some tips for adulting slightly more successfully. Share this post via Twitter, Pinterest, or Facebook, and subscribe to me here on WordPress for more GREAT content like this!

Thanks to Pixabay for many of these funny photos!

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